Stationen meines Untergangs >>>still under Construction<<<

Skinny Puppy – 1988.10.30 – 9:30 Club, Washington


Ganzes Konzert. Streckenweise nicht unbedingt die beste Qualität, aber interessant allemal. —- Moment! Ist das die Zeit, mit der Hundeattrappe? 😮 Dann hab ich Euch dazu eine nette, kleine Geschichte:


STEVEN GILMORE: After „Testure“ you had quite a long break in between recording, right?

CEVIN KEY: A year. We toured Europe and the States. With the whole controversy with the dog and all that stuff.

STEVEN GILMORE: Didn’t you get thrown in jail?

OGRE: We were arrested on the assumption that a live experiment was performed on a live dog and there was real mutilation, snuff kind of stuff. So they sent some plain detectives down who were completely rude assholes and had no right to do what they did. we were freaked about losing the dog the night before with no security. It was a $1,000 dog that was done by an artist; for me it was like a teddy bear. We lost it the night before and I was wrecked. So that next night they basically broke in. We asked them to show identification and there was nothing and they thought we were hiding shit by not letting them in and they became like rambo city and basically broke in, saw it was a stuffed dog and started mouthing us off. And Cevin stood up at first and basically told them where to go and everybody was arrested.

STEVEN GILMORE: What did you say?

CEVIN KEY: I said, „you’re a real fucking asshole.“

OGRE: He was just going „sit down, sit down,“ and Cevin wouldn’t sit down. He was like, „you’re going down“ and immediately when he said that I just stood up and I stood there and the guy goes „sit down,“ looking right in my face and I went „no.“ And then the real police came in, city police. Its so stupid how things can just go along like that. And these guys came in not knowing anything and was me in this face-off with this dork who had no right doing what he was doing in the first place but was actually creating a reason to arrest us. They basically slammed me up against a wall and handcuffed me and then we got escorted out and people were trying to tell them that we’re against experimentation with animals. That’s what they had perceived we were being arrested for because they’d heard that there was a complaint about it.
OGRE: We were taken down and all the time I think Cevin was having visions of Mississippi Burning or something cause he was telling me to shut up cause I was mouthing off to these guys. This one guy was so rude. He was going „yeah, I wish I had a bat and a can of mace. I should’ve walked through that crowd and kicked some of those little vampire girls in the cunt.“ There was this dumb bitch that was beside him and she was just listening to that chauvinistic bullshit and just kind of going „well, yeah he’s probably my6 superior.“ It was ironic because the roles had switched because when we were in the lockup the guys behind the desk were talking like criminals. They were talking about things that they were going to do that weekend, things they arrest people for. I wasn’t wearing any shirt cause I’d just gotten off stage. It was like total muck warfare.

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